Get What You Want From Pilates

  • Consistency Is Key. There’s a famous Joseph Pilates quote that says, “In 10 sessions you’ll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see a difference, and in 30 sessions you’ll have a whole new body”. Pilates can absolutely transform your body and the way you move and feel, but there’s no pressure-based timetable at PCOR. The key is the frequency and consistency of your practice. If you do Pilates at least 2 to 3 times a week, then your body will respond more effectively.
  • Mix It Up. The beauty of Pilates is that there are hundreds of different exercises and a variety of lessons and classes. All of the equipment strengthens your core, conditions your entire body, and engages your muscles deeply through spring resistance, but each one moves and works your body in different ways. So, it’s fun cross-training for your body.
  • A Little Homework Goes A Long Way. There are some very simple movements you can take from Pilates, incorporate into your daily life, and immediately start improving how you move and feel. Ask your teacher about Leg Lever and Rocking Horse. 😉