We hear about core muscles and core strength all the time, but most people know very little about the most important core muscle, the “abdominal corset” (aka the transversus abdominis), which plays a crucial role in almost every aspect of your body’s movement and support. When it’s strong and conditioned, it:
- Reduces back pain
- Prevents injuries
- Makes day-to-day activities easier
- Improves athletic performance
- Tightens the waist
Join Aliyah Hatcher, PCOR Founder, Owner and Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher, and Patrick Wenning, Restore Motion Physical Therapist and Certified Integrated Manual Therapist, for a crash course in how to identify, activate, and strengthen your abdominal corset. Pilates equipment is especially suited for this, because the springs load the core with resistance and trigger the muscles to engage.
- Patrick will explain the fundamentals of the abdominal corset and teach you techniques to activate it.
- Aliyah will share and teach Pilates exercises on the equipment (with volunteers from the audience) that specifically target the abdominal corset and build core strength and stability.
Come ready to learn and explore the unique benefits of Pilates equipment, participate in exercise demos, ask questions, and have fun!
$25 for the Workshop
All levels are welcome. No experience is necessary.
All sales/registrations are final.