Mask Update & Tips

On Thursday, August 5th, the Montgomery County Council announced that effective Saturday, August 7th, all residents, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear face coverings in all indoor public spaces. What this means is that beginning on Saturday, August 7th, everyone will be required to wear face coverings at all times in the studio. We thank you for your understanding and compliance with these regulations.

We know that wearing a mask when exercising can be uncomfortable, but here are a few helpful tips.

  • Try a few different masks to see what works best for you. A paper mask may feel more breathable when exercising than a cloth mask. It may also cling less if it gets wet.
  • Inserting a face mask bracket creates space inside your mask and may make it easier to breathe.
  • If you’re dealing with your eyeglasses fogging up when wearing a mask, some of our clients have had success with FogAway anti-fog spray.