Do you have a friend or family member that you’ve been begging to try Pilates? Now is the time to get them into the studio! Read More...
Gentle Pilates 4-Week Equipment Series

$50 Apprentice Privates w/ Jen

Grab your appointments now, before they book up!
Open Your Hips 4-Week Series

$50 Apprentice Privates w/ Kristen

Grab your appointments now, before they book up!
Stretch, Roll & Release Workshop

- Relieve pain
- Improve muscle tone and strength
- Increase flexibility and joint mobility
- Experience better sleep, mood, and energy
- Improve circulation and breathing
Core Essentials Workshop: The Abdominal Corset

- Reduces back pain
- Prevents injuries
- Makes day-to-day activities easier
- Improves athletic performance
- Tightens the waist
- Patrick will explain the fundamentals of the abdominal corset and teach you techniques to activate it.
- Aliyah will share and teach Pilates exercises on the equipment (with volunteers from the audience) that specifically target the abdominal corset and build core strength and stability.
PCOR Summer Strength Challenge

Do Pilates. Get Stronger. Get Up to $100 Rewards. Read More...
Strong Shoulders, Upper Back & Arms 4-Week Series

PCOR Apprenticeship Program Open House

- Overview of the PCOR Apprenticeship Program
- Overview of the Peak Pilates® Comprehensive Certification
- Q&A with Aliyah and Julia
- Teaching Demo on Pilates equipment
Free Event
Registration is required.