Even if you can’t make it as scheduled, you can still get the recorded classes.
Do you suffer from foot problems – like bunions, plantar fasciitis, and neuromas? Do you experience lower leg pain and cramps or struggle with balance, hip, back, or knee pain? If you answered yes to any of these, then this workshop is for you. Inflexibility, weakness, and dysfunction in the feet and lower legs can lead to falls, deteriorating hip sockets, and pain throughout the body. It’s time to give your feet the attention they need!
With 25 years of experience as a Therapeutic Massage Therapist and 35 years helping people build better feet, Beth is convinced that taking care of them is the secret to total body health and aging well. In this workshop, Beth will guide you through movements and give you tools to strengthen, stretch, and massage your feet, ankles, and lower legs. You will improve your balance and ability to move, and you’ll feel a better quality of sensation throughout your entire body!
$55 for the Workshop
All levels are welcome. No experience is necessary.
All sales/registrations are final. No make-up classes.
LIVE VIRTUAL/RECORDED: Even if you can’t make it to the series as scheduled, you can still join and get the workouts by signing up for this option. In addition to receiving links to the live classes, you will also receive a link to a recording of each class shortly after it ends (only the in-studio class is recorded, not virtual participants). Each recording will be available to you for 7 days. So, you can workout at your convenience and be up to speed for the next class.